A Thames Swimming Story

Silly facesLaura and I are swimming the length of the River Thames

Come with me on a journey!And we’d like to take you on a short journey. Come on in!

The SourceWe started at the source of the river. The first 14 miles were too shallow to swim so we ran.

The River

Once the water started flowing properly though, we jumped right in.

Ready to get inWe wear wetsuits most of the time because I get cold being in the river for so long at a time.

Piece to cameraMy friends Nick and Vicky from Your Web Media joined us for one of our swims to get photos (like this one) and some video.

Sedentary swimmingRiver swimming is a wonderfully peaceful way to escape from life and see the world from a duck’s perspective.

Front crawlingFront crawling down stream is a great feeling too. A bit like flying.

Flying pastLaura’s a much better swimmer than me so I wear flippers to keep up. I don’t feel too bad though because even Martin Strel uses them (although he did swim the Amazon).

Meeting the localsLocals and passers-by almost always stop for a chat or at least give a bemused wave.

Each swim...

After each swim, we just hop out and walk back to the car. We’ll repeat the process until we get to around Richmond where the tides start kicking and the London Harbour Master might not appreciate our presence.

Hold your breathDo keep following our progress. We still have somewhere around 100 miles to go though so don’t hold your breath just yet.



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