This website helps people go on adventures
It is run by Tim Moss
What’s on this website?
An archive of over 600 articles and new posts every week.
A series of unique expedition guide books.
Tons of practical information for all sorts of expeditions.
Apply for expedition funding from Tim.
What’s this website for?
The website is run is by me – Tim – because expeditions have changed my life and I want to help other people who are interested in adventures.
Everything on this website is free (except for my books). As well as the 600 articles I’ve written on my blog and all of the expedition resources I’ve compiled, I offer free advice so anyone who wants help can just ask. I do this because I love expeditions and I like helping people.
For five years I covered the costs of this website myself. Then, for a period. I make a small amount of money from my equipment reviews – if you click a link then buy something, I get a small percentage at no cost to you. I used some of this money to fund an expedition grant for those who need some cash to get an idea off the ground.
About Tim

Tim used to call himself an “adventurer” but these days he’s mostly an accountant. He’s been on lots of expeditions all over the world and supported over 100 other adventures across all seven continents.
He believes that adventure should be available to all, regardless of background, expertise, money or time. He started this website in 2009 to encourage more people to live and now runs it in his spare time. Most of his expeditions are now undertaken with his wife Laura and, latterly, with three kids in tow.
Read more about Tim’s expeditions…
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A selection of highlights
Best Expeditions
Guinness World Record rickshaw expedition
Climbing new mountains in Siberia
Crossing the Wahiba Sands desert on foot
Running the length of every London Underground line
Hitch-hiking around the UK with £100
Commonwealth Antarctic Expedition
Best Articles
How I Make a Living as an Adventurer (Hint: I don’t)
Why I Quit Being an Adventurer to Become an Accountant
If You Aim to Motivate then Stop Exaggerating
Adventure, Cycling and Depression
Great Expeditions Don’t Make Great People
Expeditions Are No Better Than Offices
Prove Yourself with an Expedition!
Best Stories
How to Have an Adventure for £100
I Hate Mornings (but not for the reason you’re thinking)
Why Two Breakfasts are Better than One
Best Resources
How To: Climb An Unclimbed Mountain
More Resources
Beginner’s Guide to Bivouacing
Beginner’s Guide to Wild Swimming
How To: Use Supermarket Food for Sports Nutrition
How To: Set Up an Expedition Website and Blog
How To: Communicate from the Field
Best Kit Reviews
Comparison of Multi Fuel Stoves
Comparison of Bikepacking Bags
Comparison of Base Layer Materials
Comparison of Insulating Mid Layers