How To Row An Ocean

How To Row An Ocean

The Ocean Rowing Handbook




How To Row An Ocean



“An excellent book”– Sir Ranulph Fiennes


“The perfect resource” – Bear Grylls


“Tim clearly knows his stuff” – Sidetracked Magazine


“Highly recommended” – Adventure Travel Magazine


Updated and re-formatted from the paperback:

How to Get to the North Pole and Other Iconic Adventures



To row an ocean means to take a specially designed boat and power it by oar from one shore to another. Solo or in a team, you will be at sea for many weeks and months, at the mercy of the weather with all of your supplies sealed behind hatches.

It is as intensely physical as it is mental, dealing with long days of rowing and great stretches of isolation. What used to be the preserve of the independent adventurer is now increasingly becoming a recognised sport with regular organised races.


In The Book




Where do you sleep at night?

What do you eat and drink?

Where do you go to the toilet?

How do you know where to go?

How long do you actually spend rowing?

How long will it take?

What happens if things go wrong?



Routes & Styles

Atlantic Rowing Race

Crossing the Pacific

Indian Ocean Crossings

Solo, Pair or Team

Self-build, second-hand or brand new

Independent, pay-per-seat or organised event



Dealing with Difficulties


Electrical failure

Salt water corrosion

Running out of drinking water

Aches, pains and injuries

Heavy weather







Day in the Life

Guinness World Record Sarah Outen MBE shares her account of what it’s actually like out there on the ocean.

Expert advice from a raft of ocean rowers

Advice from experienced ocean rowers including Olly Hicks, Roz Savage, Jason Lewis, Rachel Smith, Chris Martin and Stevie Smith.


How To Row An Ocean


How To Row An Ocean


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