Lose Yourself – Everyday Adventure #7

“I have never been lost, but I will admit to being confused for several weeks”

– Daniel Boone, American pioneer and explorer

When was the last time you didn’t know exactly where you were? Or at least that you couldn’t find out instantly from your phone or the robotic voice of that device mounted on your windscreen?

How boring!

If you have never found yourself lost, without map or clue then you have missed a treat. Getting lost is an opportunity to test yourself, a chance to explore and a reason to go further than you would have done otherwise.

Life can be all too predictable. We take the same route to work every day, lunch in the same cafe, drink in the same pub and shop in the same supermarket. Routine has its place but not today.


Today, faithful followers, I ask you to turn off your GPS, put away your map and head into the great unknown.

Take a turn down that street you’ve always wondered what was at the end of, follow the footpath you’ve never previously ventured along, run blind through the streets of your town and see what you have been missing. Leave the house without a plan and see where you end up.

Do it on your way home from work or get up early especially for it. Try it next time you’re out running or have a go on your lunch break. It doesn’t matter where or how, just try losing yourself a little next time you’re out and about.

Go on now. Get lost!

This is an Everyday Adventure

…and it is here for you to try.

There are no rules, constraints or conditions. Treat this as a spark for your imagination. Use it as an injection of excitement into your daily routine.

Please spread the word, email a link to this page or share it on Twitter and Facebook with the buttons below. There’ll be a new idea for each month of 2010 along with another fantastic image courtesy of David Tett Photography.


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