Having produced my first newsletter earlier this week, it occured to me that an update on what’s going on might be on order. Here goes:
It is five days until I head to Norway with BSES and my bike. The expedition’s been building up for over a year now and there will be 50 of us out there (although it’s just me cycling home) so there’s a fair bit of last minute planning to be done.
I’ve also been planning ahead for another cycling journey towards the end of the year, this time on a rickshaw. I’ve been trained up Bug Bugs and even had a go at roaming the streets London. Bug Bugs have kindly agreed to lend me a rickshaw and so I intend to take it on a bit of a ride. Details when I get back in September.
My good friend Rob Cousins is still in training for a mega triathlon in September. I like Rob’s laid back approach to this immense event. As part of his support team, I received instructions including the fact that I “must take the piss out him at all times”.
Lastly, I haven’t forgotten about my trip to Russia last month. Photos are online, the early reports are in and I am working on a diary to upload here. Most importantly, I am giving a talk at the Royal Geographical Society (RGS) this Friday at 5:30pm.
Being invited to speak at the RGS is something to aspire to and a great honour for any explorer. I wish I could say that was what happened in this instance but it’s not. It’s just that three out of six members of the expedition work in the building so they’ve let us take over the stage for an evening. Still, if you’d like to come along then please get in touch.
P.S. If you’d like to be included in my monthly newsletters then just drop me an email.
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