Why rickshaws rule (compared to regular touring bikes)

  1. Loads of space for kit
  2. Seat cushion doubles as a great mattress
  3. You have an instant and comfortable park bench wherever you are
  4. Better crowd support
  5. It stands up on its own (and you don’t have to unclip your SPD shoes at traffic lights)
  6. People are even friendlier than normal when you ask for help
  7. It’s so heavy you don’t notice the difference when you fill up on food/water
  8. You can tie your tarp off it (or make a nice washing line if not)
  9. You can never stay down for long because world will be grinning at you in recognition of the effort and oddity
  10. Be it through bemusement or fear, other road users give you more space and respect


I’m currently cycling a rickshaw 1000 miles from Aviemore back to London in support of Special Olympics Great Britain. Find out where I am on the map, track my statistics or donate here.


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