1,001 miles in a rickshaw

Yesterday afternoon I arrived back home having cycled a rickshaw a thousand miles home from the Highlands.

It took just over four weeks, meaning that I finished two weeks ahead of schedule. I passed through all the Special Olympics Great Britain operating regions, furthered the previous record of 955 miles and had a bit of an adventure. That, I believe, is mission accomplished.

Next Wednesday, June 2nd, I’ll be on London’s Southbank with my rickshaw from 7pm for a picnic and free rides. Please do come along.

I’ll stick up some more photos and pieces about the trip over the coming weeks but will also reinstate business as usual on the blog. Thanks for following me – the comments on this site, feedback on Facebook and support on Twitter were every bit as motivating as the waves and car horns on the road. I appreciate them.

In the meantime, since I’ve scored myself a bit of free time, I’m squeezing in another little adventure over the Bank Holiday weekend. Having spent a month cycling home from Scotland, I’ve decided my first act upon returning home should be to drive back up there for a 95-mile bike race across Skye. Let’s see how these new muscles work on a featherweight machine…


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