The route we have followed so far has either been popular – in the case of the last few days through the mountains – or at least a necessary leg of a journey – in the case of our march to Villa O´Higgins.
But ask anyone about the territory to the east and you get little more than shrugs.
The west coast is beautiful. It has jagged mountains, spectacular glaciers, gorgeous lakes. However, from the sounds of things, the vast majority of the country down here is just a dry, flat, dusty expanse. That is where we are heading now.
By the time you read this we will have left the shores of the giant Lago Viedma and be making a bee-line for the Atlantic coast, some 150 miles away. We have loaded up with more than a week´s food and set our compass pointing east.
I am sure that the scenery will not be as inspiring as it was during the first two weeks and no doubt we will be cursing the endless drudgery but these all contribute towards the motivations for a trip like this. To get away from the honey pot areas and explore those places less visited and to set a challenge, as physical as it is conceptual, and see it through to fruition.
I don´t anticipate phone signal during our crossing so the next update may well come from Puerto Santa Cruz on the east coast where we plan to arrive by January 24th. Here we go…
What do you think? Please do add your thoughts below…