Six of the Best

I read a lot of websites and blogs. At the end of each month, I pick six of my favourite articles that I think might be of interest to my readers and I add them to a list. You can view the archive below. I’ve marked some of the highlights with an asterisk.


Skateboarding, Mud Running, Barefoot and Swimming

February 2012

  1. How I Make a Living as an Adventurer – Andrew Skurka
  2. Barefoot Kilimanjaro Mission – Ross Tucker, Sports Scientists
  3. From Marathons to Mud Running – Lucy Townsend, BBC Sports Magazine
  4. Who will be the first to swim around the world? – Did You Know?
  5. John Fairfax, who rowed across oceans, dies aged 74 – Margalit Fox, New York Times
  6. Distance Skateboarding in China – Rob Thomson, 14 Degrees

Twitter, the Hellespont and the Gobi


Twitter, the Hellespont and the Gobi

November 2011

  1. In the wake of Leander: swimming the Hellespont – Charles Foster
  2. ‘Youngest’ expedition to South Pole abandoned after 3rd day without Twitter – News Biscuit
  3. Insights in Reducing Pack Weight – Summit and Valley
  4. 5 Dangerous (But Awesome) Sport Locations – As We Travel
  5. Crossing the Gobi Desert – Walking Home from Mongolia
  6. One Star Reviews – Andy Kirkpatrick


Binmen, C**p and Salt

October 2011

  1. Binman Fitness – Andy Kirkpatrick
  2. Cutting the c**p, danger on polar expeditions – Alex Hibbert
  3. Seven Music Festivals I’d Like To Cycle To – Dan Martin
  4. Is Salt Bad For You? (Podcast) – More Or Less, BBC Radio 4
  5. Thinking, Fast and Slow – Brain Pickings
  6. Five Reasons To Go Cycle-Touring In Armenia – Tom’s Bike Trip

Binmen, C**p and Salt – Six of the Best, October 2011


Hydration & Happiness

September 2011

  1. Happiness is just a neurochemical spurt – Loretta Breuning, The School of Life
  2. Film blog: I might live to regret this but… – Tom’s Bike Trip
  3. The Rules of My Expeditions – Alastair Humphreys
  4. A Lap of Zone One in 24 Hours – Andy Welch, Slow Quest *
  5. Almost everything you know about hydrating is wrong – Adventure Journal
  6. Sapporo to the Sea – Rob Thomson, 14 Degrees


Syria, London, Cape Town

August 2011

  1. Look At Syria -Tom’s Bike Trip
  2. 50 Best Places To Work from Outside Magazine
  3. Top Five Ocean-Tastic Moments – Roz Savage
  4. Guardian of the South – Cycling the Six
  5. 24hr Treadmill Run Report – Run With Mark
  6. Active Days Out From London – Fresh Air Fix

Syria, London, Cape Town – Six of the Best, August 2011


Books, Boats, Knives, Software

July 2011

  1. Robbed at Knifepoint in Morocco – by Sean Newall, The Commonwealth Challenge
  2. Dear Bibliotherapist – by The School of Life
  3. How To Be Happy Any Time – by Leo Babauta, Zen Habits
  4. 8 Handy Bits of Software for Travellers and Adventurers – by Tom Allen, Tom’s Bike Trip
  5. Heading to places unknown – by Lee Hughes
  6. Thames Boat from Building Waste Project – by Andy Welch, Slow Quest *


Slowest, Fast, Perfect

June 2011

  1. Think Fast… – The Do Village
  2. Vancouver Island Circumnavigation – Angus Adventures
  3. The End of One Chapter and the Start of Another – Lee Hughes
  4. How To: Build the Perfect Expedition Bicycle (Part 2) – Slow Quest
  5. Microadventure on the Shetland Isles – Alastair Humphreys *
  6. The Slowest Form of Death – Andy Kirkpatrick

Books, Boats, Knives, Software – Six of the Best, July 2011


What are the best expedition/adventure blogs?

May 2011

Here are a few arbitrarily selected sites that I read, in no particular order:

And, of course, my Adventurer’s Blogging Chain colleagues Mark KalchDan MartinDave Cornthwaite and Sarah Outen.


Heaven, Hell and Hills

April 2011

  1. Sometimes you’ve got to go through hell to get to heaven – Mark Coope
  2. ‘My Outdoors’ Q&A with – Fresh Air Fix
  3. Stop Press – Roz Savage
  4. Microadventure #3: Sleep on a Hill – Alastair Humphreys
  5. Vancouver to Vegas by Tandem – Dave Cornthwaite
  6. Breaking Free From Consumerist Chains– Zen Habits

Slowest, Fast, Perfect – Six of the Best, June 2011


Bicycle Love, Preaching and Stuff

March 2011

  1. Say No to stuff, Yes to trips – Alastair Humphreys
  2. How to get off the bicycle by Falling in Love – James Bowthorpe
  3. Preaching only to the converted is pointless – Lewis Gordon Pugh
  4. What Does It Mean To Finish A Journey?
  5. Featured Expedition: The An-Tiki – Angus Adventure
  6. 9 Mindfulness Rituals to Make Your Day Better – Zen Habits



Suffering free and simply

June 2010

  1. 10 Things We Believe – Escape the City
  2. Will and Suffering – Alastair Humphreys
  3. On Living Simply and Naturally – Zen Habits
  4. Free Advice – The Art of Non-Comformity
  5. Swimming: The Next Step in Adventure – Dan Martin
  6. 5 Reasons Why Trying to be Successful Will Keep You Poor – Copy Blogger

Heaven, Hell and Hills – Six of the Best, April 2011


Memory, Mind Games and Machinery

April/May 2010

  1. Practical tacics for dealing with haters – Tim Ferris
  2. Benjamin Frankin’s 10 Virtues – Escape the City
  3. On spirituality, not machinery – Mark Vernon
  4. Training Tuesday #4 – Mind Games – Dan Martin
  5. Adventurers and the X-Factor – Mark Kalch
  6. Someday, all this will be a memory – Revolution Cycle ***


Pavarotti’s fear of biscuits

March 2010

  1. Luciano Pavarotti’s Secret for Online Success – The Art of Non-Conformity
  2. For a Biscuit – Ben Saunders
  3. Top 10 running quotations (not my top 10)– Mark Cooper
  4. Alain de Botton on Gratitude – The School of Life
  5. Fear of philanthropy (avert your eyes) – Seth Godin
  6. Separate compartment in your stomach for dessert – 1000 Awesome Things

Bicycle Love, Preaching and Stuff – Six of the Best, March 2011


What did you read last month?

February 2010

  1. Why I Can’t Live In Armenia (I’m Too British) – Ride Earth, Tom Allen
  2. Social Flow: How doing it together beats doing it alone – BPS Research Digest
  3. Kappa – James Bowthorpe, Globe Cycle
  4. 5 Travel Lessons You Can Use At Home– Rolf Potts (on the Blog of Tim Ferris)
  5. Wild, wonderful places to sleep – Alastair Humphreys
  6. The Devil Drives – Mark Kalch


A Simple Democratic Corporate Life

January 2010

  1. Beware of Life – The Art of Non-Comformity
  2. 21 Simple Ways to Slow Down and Enjoy Life – Beliefnet
  3. Nick South Gate on Diplomacy – The School of Life
  4. Quitting the Corporate Life – New Life Travel *
  5. The beginning… – Cycling The 6
  6. Happy days, happy new year – Sarah Outen

Pavarotti’s fear of biscuits – Six of the Best, March 2010


How to become an Eco Ironman

December 09

  1. Yes I do have the record… and now for a spelling lesson – This is not for charity *
  2. Motivational Fluctuations – Walking the Amazon
  3. This is about us – George Monbiot
  4. How to become an Eco Ironman – The Eco-Ironman
  5. Looking backwards – Escape the City
  6. Please stand on the right (if you are a loser) – Alastair Humphreys *


How to camp anywhere and not get busted

November 2009

  1. How to camp anywhere and not get busted – Ride Earth
  2. Get rid of 10 things – Alastair Humphreys
  3. Apparent risk and actual risk – Seth Godin
  4. How to Hold Your Breath Like David Blaine, World Record Holder (and Now, Me) – Tim Ferris
  5. Altitude and Mortality – Ray Peat
  6. The Good Student – The Art of Non-Conformity

How to become an Eco Ironman – Six of the Best, December 09

You are my sunshine

October 09

  1. How to work out what to do with your life – Rob Symington, Esc the City
  2. A day in the life of an author / adventurer / motivational speaker / big kid – Alastair Humphreys *
  3. What you’ve missed about charity bike rides – Ride Earth
  4. 7 reasons to eat more saturated fat – Tim Ferris
  5. You are my sunshine, my only sunshine – This Is Not For Charity
  6. “It’s only life and death”: Disaster and opportunity interview with John Ungar – The Art of Non-Conformity

Six of the Best

September 2009

  1. Welcome – Michael Halls-Moore
  2. 8 Tiny Ways in which I’m improving my life – Alastair Humphreys
  3. The power of 20% – Paul Deegan
  4. Finally: The end of food journals? – Tim Ferris
  5. HD Video from the Edge of  Space – Slash Dot (click the linked text for a video)
  6. Happiness – Lee Hughes

Six of the best


Check for the latest Six of the Best articles on the blog here.