The Adventure is Over: What Lies Ahead

Cambodian cafe

We will very soon be leaving South East Asia. After that comes English speaking countries (or at least countries in which they do their best at it). And with them come Caucasian faces, Western food and the familiarity of countries in which we’ve either lived or spent time. The adventurous part is over.

No it isn’t! What poppycock. There is plenty of adventure ahead for us.

We still have to face those big long stretches of empty road in Australia and deal with the horrendous exchange rate for the Australian dollar.

We have huge expanses of nothingness in the US, big scary American cars with which to contend and big scary American portions with which to fatten up.

We have the culture and hospitality of the deep south to experience first hand and various scenes from Breaking Bad to recreate in New Mexico and the general Alberquerque area.

We have a little collection of lumps called The Rockies to cross and the subsequent possibility of – GASP! – some cold weather come November/December.

And, if nothing else, we still have some 4,000 miles to cover. Four thousand miles! That’s still four times further than I’d ever cycled in my life before this trip and plenty of time to develop new sore areas on one’s butt cheeks.

Anyway, for anyone interested, this is our itinerary from here ’til home…


Where we’ll be when:

July 28th: fly Kuala Lumpur to Adelaide.

August:  cycle Adelaide to Melbourne then stay with family.

September 14th: fly to Wellington, cycle to Auckland.

October 1st:  fly Auckland to San Francisco.

October/November:  cycling Pacific (San Diego) to Atlantic (Orlando).

December 14th:  fly Orlando to London, cycle to Molesey/Ribchester.

Christmas:  HOME.


6 responses to “The Adventure is Over: What Lies Ahead”

  1. Rad! Great adventure. You’re gonna love the US. We are 1000 miles into a cross country trek and it’s fantastic. Generous people, surprisingly good food and plenty of excellent scenery. Enjoy Australia and NZ!

    1. Thanks Dakota. Good food and friendly people are the exact things we were hoping for. Have a great trip!

  2. Is 2 months long enough to cycle from San Diego to Orlando ?

    Would love to cycle across (drove it once) and didn’t think the standard 3 month visa would be long enough!


    1. We have about 2.5 months. From memory, I think it’s about 2,500 miles or so, perhaps a bit more. 1,000 miles a month is about normal for us so we should be fine. To get an idea of how much other cyclists average per month, take a look at the Database of Long Distance Cyclists:

  3. harvey t lyon avatar
    harvey t lyon

    just saw the back cover of Cycle-thanks for wearing a helmet, not the standard ctc kit. i bicycled in a group from san diego to jacksonville, fl., which is is on the ocean; orlando isn’t 2760 miles, 5 weeks. i don’t know how we wold have made it across the desert without support vehicles to keep us hydrated. surreal. we averaged 78 miles a day, and you could ride alll day, and if you wren’t a botanist, wou’d think you hadn’t first tour was solo in england in 1975. as i look back, i’m astounded that i survived. two ears later i was solo touring behind the iron curtain. here’s to you both.

    1. Thanks for that Harvey and the reminder that Orlando us not actually on the coast though we will, of course, pedal to the sea first. Sounds like you’ve had some adventures!

      And yes, we always wear helmets.

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