Adventures Insurance

Travelling around the world for a year or more on a bicycle requires some significant travel insurance.

Ours has been generously provided by Adventurers Insurance.

They provide tailor-made insurance for activities like ours and have offered a 10% discount to any Next Challenge readers looking for insurance on their own expedition or travels. Just click the big button below for a dedicated link to their website which includes the discounted premium.

Read on for more details…



Specialist travel insurance for sports & activities

Adventures is a tailor-made insurance for almost any activity or occupation including amateur sports, manual work and hazardous pursuits.

You can get an instant quotation and immediate cover online plus an automatic 10% discount on Part A cover:

[button color=”blue” link=”” size=”medium” target=”_blank” font=”georgia” align=”center”]Get a quote with a 10% discount[/button]

Alternatively, you can call Adventures on 0845 230 0631 quoting “TNC” for a 10% discount

Special features

  • Cover for over 400 sports & activities
  • Amateur and professional sports
  • Work abroad and activity holidays
  • Single Trip – for trips up to 6 months (3 months if aged 65-69 years)
  • Annual Multi-trip – for any number of trips in a year (max 60 days per trip)
  • Medical emergency helpline – available 24hrs a day, 365 days a year
  • Up to £50,000 for Search and Rescue costs
  • 14 day money back guarantee

Adventures Travel Insurance is arranged by P J Hayman & Company Limited who are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority


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