Bonus Material From My New Book

There was loads of stuff that I wanted to include in my new book, but just could not fit in.

Even after editing, there were 20,000 words worth of stories and anecdotes that I removed.

The book has 16-pages of photographs in the middle, but that only equates to one for every month of our trip. There are plenty more that we would have loved to show.

I also have a lot of nerdy statistics and calculations that were never going to go into a paperback, but I am sure that there’s someone out there who will appreciate them.

So, with this in mind, I have compiled all of this extra stuff into a ‘Bonus Material’ pack.

The Bonus Material comes free with:

  • All electronic copies of the book (because it costs me nothing extra to send).
  • All international orders (to help compensate for the expensive postage you have to pay).
  • The ‘Deluxe’ option (because that’s what makes it deluxe).

Here’s a sneak preview of what’s inside:

With the Sun on Our Right

Bonus Material

With the Sun on Our Right - Bonus Material screenshot

Deleted scenes, covering all of the stuff that didn’t quite fit into the flow of the story…

With the Sun on Our Right - Bonus Material screenshot

Lots of extra photos…

With the Sun on Our Right - Bonus Material screenshot

The alternative ending, which might not be as dramatic as it sounds, but I would have liked to have included it in the printed version…

With the Sun on Our Right - Bonus Material screenshot

Ride statistics with lots of numbers, charts and graphs. I would hazard that this is the geekiest content ever provided in a book about cycling around the world…

With the Sun on Our Right - Bonus Material screenshot

Detailed kit lists. There’s a section about our kit in the back of the book but the Bonus Material has detailed lists of every single item we carried.

With the Sun on Our Right - Bonus Material screenshot

Our 1,000 mile photos. Every time we clocked another thousand miles on our bike computers, we stopped to take a photo wherever we were in the world…

With the Sun on Our Right - Bonus Material screenshot

‘Around the World in 80 Tweets’, an amazing map of our journey told in Twitter updates.

With the Sun on Our Right - Bonus Material screenshot

…and lots more besides.

I’m including the Bonus Matierial as a high-resolution PDF, free with all ebook, international and ‘deluxe’ orders of my book.

Click here to order a copy now ➜


4 responses to “Bonus Material From My New Book”

  1. Hello Tim.
    I ordered your book as soon as it became available. But I now feel a little disappointed that there is ‘bonus material’ that wasn’t an option available to early buyers and doesn’t seem to be an option to purchase now, without buying another book. Please could you have a think about how to make this bonus material available to those who bought the book without knowing a better offer was around the corner?

  2. It appears I owe an apology to Tim, as the bonus material was available at the time I ordered the book. I was just too dum to spot it. All sorted now, thanks to some excellent customer service. Looking forward to reading it.


    1. My pleasure Jeff! Thanks for taking the time to come back and leave an extra comment. I hope you like the bonus material!

      All the best,

  3. […] and had to be culled. I slightly got around this by including these as ‘Deleted scenes’ in the bonus material I offered with the […]

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