I’ve been running this website for over two years now. I update it religiously every Monday and Thursday morning at 7am.
Google tells me that more people are reading it than they used to but maybe that’s just an artefact of being online for a while. Beyond that my only measure is how many people ‘Like’ my posts and that doesn’t seem very insightful.
So, tell me, how can I do better?
Since the internet breeds lethargy, I thought I’d prompt you with five very short questions that I’d love to hear your thoughts on:
- Is this your first time here / you’ve been a couple of times / or are you a regular?
- Does the speed with which my site loads ever put you off reading it?
- Which posts do you enjoy? e.g. my adventures, 10 tips, advice, opinion, creative stuff
- Which posts don’t you enjoy? (as above or anything else)
- If you could change one thing about this site, what would it be?
What do you think? Please do add your thoughts below…