We are very excited to announce the launch of our latest project, a database of long distance cycling journeys.
Visit the Database of Long Distance Cycling Journeys
This database has two broad purposes:
1) A resource for those planning their own cycle tour.
2) A record of long distance cycling journeys.
We started by asking ourselves what information we would have found useful when planning our own trip. The database therefore includes details such as type of bicycle, budgets and links to kit lists and route maps. Many different styles of cycle journey are covered, from big budget record breakers whizzing round the world in six months, to shoestring cyclists crawling across the globe over a number of years.
We aim to become the definitive record of such journeys. We accept that we are unlikely to capture every trip out there, but with your help, we can do our best. If you, or anyone you know, should be on the list please get in touch and/or send on the link.
Please bear with us while this project is at such an early stage. There may be one or two blips as the database is established – especially as we are working on it as we undertake our own long distance cycling journey. In due course, we will sort the data into a more sensible order and iron out any other issues that arise.
(Note: We have defined a long distance cycling journey as a single trip over 10,000 km (approximately 6,000 miles), but this is not a rigid test and there may be some flexibility.)
What do you think? Please do add your thoughts below…