Lyon Equipment Sponsorship

Lyon Equipment are the UK importer for a number of well-known outdoors brands such as Petzl, Ortlieb and Exped. For some years they ran an annual expedition award which provided sponsored equipment for a selection of the best adventures to apply.

Laura and I submitted an application a couple of months ago and eventually received this response:

“Apologies it has taken so long to reply, we have been in limbo deciding whether we keep running with our award scheme. We have decided to stop it.”

My heart sank.

“…but that doesn’t mean we will not be sponsoring expeditions. Looking at your application, you have done a professional presentation, are undertaking a significant journey and (most importantly) will give Lyon and the brands you use plenty of exposure (We do get a lot of “I’m climbing Snowdon, can I have free stuff, I’ll mention something in my local newsletter.

So in a nutshell, we will be glad to help you”


So, shortly before we set off cycling across the country last month, a huge delivery of goodies arrived in the post.

The highlights include:

Ortlieb Classic Waterproof Panniers and Tubus Logo rear rack and Tara front rack.

Ortlieb Ultimate 5 Handlebar Bag Plus

 Ortlieb Ultimate 5 Handlebar Bags

Exped SynMat Basic UL 7.5 S

Exped Synthetic Inflatable Mattress (Syn Basic UL 7.5 3/4 length) – a fantastic thick, insulated mattress that only weighs 410g and packs smaller than most thinner self-inflating mats.

Petzl Myo RXP Headtorch

Petzl Myo RXP – THE best head torch in my humble opinion (I’ve wanted one for years)

There are pictures of the rest of our sponsored kit on Flickr.


You can read a little more about our trip and on the Lyon Equipment website.



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