Midweek Missions – Part II

Everyday Adventures with an outdoor twist. Over the past few months I’ve been writing a series of articles for my favourite outdoorsy website – Outdoors Magic.

They’re called Mid-Week Missions and they’re more than a little inspired by the Everyday Adventures campaign. They’re targeted a little more specifically at the mountain-lovers amongst you but hopefully there’s a little bit of something for the rest of you too.

Here’s the second batch…


5. Scale a Mountain at Work

I used to work in the Royal Geographical Society. Tough gig, I know. Bored one lunchtime, I found some old sketches of the building and, with the addition of a small ruler and a large measuring tape, I worked out how high it was. Or, more specifically, what height would be gained if I went from the basement to the attic.

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6. Office Training

No mission this week folks. You’re in training.

You’re planning a cycle tour through the Pyrenees and you need to get your quads in shape. You’ve not been up a hill for ages and you’ve got a big one set for Scotland next week. Your mind has been set on that Grit Stone route for too long but you’ve lost the strength in your fingers.

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7. Climb a Fence

You know what it’s like when you’re away with a bunch of climbers, maybe you’ve been into town to gaze at shiny karabiners or curvy axes you’ll never need, and you’re walking home when one of them suddenly decides they want to climb a lamp post. Or maybe they’re trying to get into the first floor of the hostel without using the stairs.

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8. Catch the Sun

I bet if you cast your mind back to some fond hill memories, there’ll be at least one that involves a sunset and probably one with a sunrise too. And with good reason too. Firstly, they are responsible for making beautiful places look breath taking, and they happen every day. That last bits particularly important: every day.

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