Next Challenge Grant deadline extended: Apply now!

Megan Cumberlidge - Bikepacking the GR247 in Andalusia

I have extended the deadline for applications to the 2022 Next Challenge Grant.

It was originally 31st December 2021, but I am allowing an extra month for people to get their applications in. The new deadline is 31st January 2022.

As a reminder, the grant is open to anyone, anywhere in the world. It does not require any experience and, in fact, is aimed primarily at those who haven’t really done much/any “adventuring” before.

The application is only a short online form but, if you don’t like forms, you can send me a video application instead.

Find out more and apply here:


2 responses to “Next Challenge Grant deadline extended: Apply now!”

  1. John Biggs avatar
    John Biggs

    What a brilliant idea! Unfortunately I have everything I need for my adventure apart from time so I don’t need a grant but still, a fantastic motivator!

    1. Thanks John. In truth, I think the motivation and encouragement often play a bigger part than the money for a lot of people. Good luck making the time for your next trip.

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