Can you help me with my next expedition?

Cycling Home from Norway

I am pleased to announce that the next expedition I am planning is a big one: to leave my London life and spend a year cycling right the way around the world.

I’ve produced a video about the trip (below) and entered it into a competition to win an expedition grant.

Kukri Adventure Scholarship

It’s for the Kukri Adventure Scholarship. A competition for a share of a £20,000 pot.

The first round is partly based on votes through a Facebook page. Some entries already have over 3,000 votes. At time of writing, we currently have 3. Will you take 10-seconds to vote for me?

How to vote

You need to be a Facebook user to vote.

  1. Visit the Kukri Events Facebook page (URL:
  2. Click the ‘Like’ button (this should reveal all the video entries)
  3. Find our video, ‘Should we quit our jobs?’, and click ‘VOTE’
  4. On the pop-up message about ‘TabSite application’, click ‘Go to app’

That’s it.

You can vote every day

You can actually cast a new vote every 24-hours until January 1st. It’s much easier the second time around, it should just take two clicks.

  1. Go direct to our video on Facebook (URL:
  2. Click ‘VOTE’


I hope you like the video. Please do let me know what you think in the comments box below. And thank you to everyone who’s already helped me with planning and advice for long-distance cycle touring.


11 responses to “Can you help me with my next expedition?”

  1. Great to hear your plans Tim, good luck!

  2. Excellent idea. Leaving in the summer means spending/cycling winter where?

  3. That’s the million dollar question Peter. We’ll be in Turkey or Iran around Christmas and hoping to go east. Any suggestions?? We thought south through Pakistan/India might be least cold if politics allows. We were a bit concerned that north through Central Asia might be a bit grim and/or impassable in winter?

    1. It doesn’t feel right me giving you advice…! But we cycled east and were in Turkey for Christmas, then headed through Iran & Central Asia. Cold but doable. Let me know if you have any Q’s.

      1. Hey Ryan, thanks for that. Really good to hear that it’s at least possible. Which countries did you go through? And were mountain roads ever closed from snow?

      2. Can’t seem to nest this comment under your Q, but… After Turkey we went through Iran (Jan / Feb), Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan (March), Kazakhstan (April) then China etc. We didn’t go over Pamir Highway (although The Blazing Saddles did in winter – search for their video, v hardcore!). Our highest pass was 2,400m-ish in Turkey and it was cold but easily passable.

        More detailed route in website link above if you’re interested. Cheers!

  4. Voted – good luck Tim!

  5. Tim you’ve been one of the guys who inspired me to do a bike trip myself. This summer I paused my job as Business Consultant and changed suit and tie for T-Shirt and bicycle. Since then I passed 15 countries and cycled 8.000 kilometers and I had a great time so far!

    Good luck to you guys, I’ll follow your adventures!

    1. Markus, it’s you who’s inspired me. I loved getting your first email all that time ago and then, so many months later, getting another to tell me you were on your way. Keep at it old boy!

  6. Wow this is so amazing Tim!!! I can’t tell you how stoked I am to follow this journey! I know at some point in my life – after I accomplish a few goals I have right now – I’ll embark on a similar expedition around the world, so seeing people like you doing it just gets me more excited and pumped and in belief that it’s possible!!!
    – Lauren :)

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