Where Are We?

The Fitzroy Mountains (Photo: Laura Moss)

Three days stuck in the same Argentinian town. But which town? See if Laura’s diary entry will help you work it out:

In the style of those ‘Guess the location’ features that appear in several papers, see if you can guess our location from the clues:

  1. Only a couple of places have landlines (and mobile reception is non-existent), and connection to the outside world using them is crackly and frequently down. Radios are a safer bet.
  2. The name bears no relation to the environment in which it is located – it is in the middle of a desert where vegetation is prickly and parched.
  3. The high winds further deter growth of vegetation and means houses are built single story on in a pyramid shape. People proudly water the patch of dirt which stands in for a garden.
  4. A river flows through the ‘town’ – however incongruous in the dusty surroundings – and it’s milky appearance suggests glacial origins.
  5. It is at an intersection of major bus routes, and it situated on an arterial road which runs the length of the country.
  6. In the words of Del Amitri: “Nothing ever happens, nothing happens at all”. Although there is a very well-staffed police station. You would never choose to come here.
  7. Supermarket shelves are virtually bare – some vegetables, eggs two months out of date and a few lonely packets of pasta and tins of corned beef.

If you guess it, you get my sweat-soaked shirt.


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