About the author

Tim Moss

Tim Moss has supported over 100 expeditions across all seven continents. He has climbed new mountains, crossed a desert on foot and recently cycled 13,000 miles around the world. He is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society London and a Guinness World Record Holder. He aims to encourage more people to live adventurously. Read more...


  1. 1


    picture is quality mate! XD

  2. 2

    Tim Moss

    Cheers Nahom. There’s a whole series of them for Everyday Adventures and all credit goes to David Tett (http://www.davidtett.com)

  3. 3


    This is so cool. It makes me remember my 30 day challenge from a few years ago, where I emptied my entire bedroom and set a simple air mattress and nature sounds from my stereo just because I needed to feel like living in nature. Let me tell you that was really inspiring and also after that 30 days I decided to take a full month off from work and just go hiking and leave at a cabin in Brasov (city in Transilvania).
    I just love doing little things like that to feel more alive.
    And Tim, I follow your blog all the time. You are an inspiration to me.
    Thank you for that.


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