Did you ever build a fort in your living room and sleep in it when you were a kid? Camp in your back garden and get scared by the sound of the local cat outside / noise of the wind / shadow of your dad coming out to check on you? How about a sleepover with a midnight feast at your friend’s house?
There are many simple pleasures from childhood that we lose as adults and the excitement of sleeping somewhere new, somewhere different risks being one of them.
This month’s Everyday Adventure mission is to camp in your living room. Pull the cushions off your sofa, get a sleeping bag out of the cupboard and crash on the floor. Or, if you don’t fancy that…
- Sleep over at a friend’s house just for the hell of it. Stay up late chewing the fat, watching DVDs under the duvet or dunking marshmallows in hot chocolate.
- Pitch a tent in the back garden or sleep under the stars when there’s a clear forecast (or even when there’s not).
- Wrap up extra warm and sleep with the windows and curtains open. Open the doors to the cocoon of your life, experience the season a little more and wake up to a real sunsrise for once.
- Sleep with your head at the bottom of the bed, switch sides with your partner, push your bed to the other side of the room or get into a sleeping bag on your own mattress.
Do not tell yourself that you’re too busy, you won’t sleep well or you might get cold. We’re all busy, we’re all tired all the time and you can take three extra blankets if that’s your concern.
Don’t ask “Why, when I’ve got a perfectly good bed just there?”. This is not a How-To guide on living an ordinary, boring, mundane life. This is the spice for the everyday, the excuse to deviate from the norm, the full-fat, full-caffeine espresso shot for life. This is a compass that points only up.
Go forth, troops, and sleep in the wilds of your surroundings. Report back within the month on the comments form below or on the Facebook page.
This is an Everyday Adventure and it is here for you to try.
There are no rules, constraints or conditions. Treat this as a spark for your imagination. Use it as an injection of excitement into your daily routine.
Please spread the word, email a link to this page or share it on Twitter and Facebook with the buttons at the bottom right. There’ll be a new idea for each month of 2010 along with another fantastic image courtesy of David Tett Photography.
Now, what are you waiting for…? Go have an adventure!
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