After a few months living in the Middle East I find myself routinely feasting on Arabic breads filled with any combination of houmous, olives, fresh lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes and peppers. Perhaps with a side of stuffed vine leaves, possibly washed down with ripe water melon and natural yoghurt.
As well as being tasty, of course, it feels far better to be embracing local cuisine than buying imported goods that I’m used to.
But when it comes to breakfast, I have been largely sticking to my guns – a bag of oats in one holster, fruits, nuts and seeds in the other. Not in the least bit Omani.
Which brings me to the question:
Where in the world would go for each of your final three meals?
Put your answers in the comments box below. I’ll get you started with my ideal:
- Breakfast: Switzerland (for the muesli)
- Lunch: The Middle East
- Dinner: India
(Then probably sneak back to Blighty for dessert)
I put this question out on Twitter too. Thanks to everyone who contributed:
@TouchTheRock B’fast: Wild camp in north Wales. L’ch: Homemade flapjacks sat on the Cuillin Ridge. D’r: Lamb tagine, Marrakesh
@alistairpearson Brekkie: A diner in the US Midwest; Lunch: A trattoria in Tuscany; Supper: C&R’s Malaysian Restaurant in London
@leehughes21 3 roast dinners
@planetrobert 31Flavors 4 breakfast, TCBY Treats 4 lunch, See’s 4 dinner :D … Might as well go out in style!
@coopersound Breakfast – Full Scottish & Coffee (Scotland), Lunch – Pizza (Brooklyn), Dinner – Paella (Valencia)
@OOALmagazine Breakfast: Parisian cafe, Lunch: Greek taverna & Bangkok side street for dinner!
@BrucejDuncan breakfast – Vudu Cafe, Queenstown, lunch – Lomits Cafe, Punta Arenas, Chile, dinner – Desert bistro, Moab, Utah
@DanielMartinAdv How about Green Onions: Milk&Honey: +Peaches: ?
@DanielMartinAdv Breakfast at Tiffanys, Tea with Mussolini, Dinner for Schmucks (maybe with Fried Green Tomatoes and American Pie)
@AndyTeamCPlus Breakfast – pain au chocolat and coffee (Corsica); Lunch – ravioli (Sicily), Dinner – Green Curry (Thailand)
@DanielMartinAdv East London greasy spoon cafe for breakfast, Cape Town for lunch and Winnie Bagoes in Queenstown for dinner!
@lauralikeswater Breakfast fruit, yoghurt & granola (USA?); Lunch Middle East; Dinner England (roast dinner and proper pudding)
@ShibliAdventure China (sweet breakfast), France (roadside oysters & mussels) & Scotland (haggis, neeps & tatties).
@FrankSpearCycle Where in the world would you go for each of your #final3meals? “ooooh good one, but alas my mum’s for all three :)
@MongolianAli Eggs Benedict at sunrise on the Hudson, NY; lunch at the Wolsley, London; picnic at sundown in an English garden
@taniyamorris Breakfast in USA (there’s a song there!); Lunch in Italy; Dinner in Thailand.
@Guessprincess b-fast at Starbucks universal studios, lunch Hard Rock Cafe New York, dinner panama hatties Manchester!
@sedgemoorsplat breakfast: USA lunch: Greece and Dinner: Mexico
@sblethyn Has to be Full English, real Italian pasta for lunch, Aussie beach BBQ in the evening, and now I’m starving.
@alannevertooold English breakfast. Greek salad for lunch and Indian for dinner.
@Daithi74 muesli in Switzerland, Spanish seafood paella+Argentina for steak. Now to decide the nationality of the waitresses.
@ridingacross_ james Breakfast in England (Scrambled egg,bread),Lunch in FYROM(Burek&salad)Dinner in Turkey(Sac Cower).
@jonbeeby London (English Breakfast), Lucca, Italy (big tuscan family lunch) and USA BBQ Steak house (Dinner)
Where would you go? Add your list below.
What do you think? Please do add your thoughts below…