2023 Grant Winners

Here is a sneak preview of the winning ideas from the 2023 Next Challenge Grant.

I will upload details once I’ve heard back from all the winners with their responses and some photographs.

As ever, the headline ideas rarely do justice to how good these applications are but they should give you a sense of what’s in store on the blog this year.

2023 Next Challenge Grant Winners

(In no particular order)

  1. Swimming the Cumbrian coastline – Wayne Singleton
  2. Packrafting the Dortmund Ems canal – Hannah Parry (cancelled)
  3. Walking from Delhi to the Himalayas – Josie Illingworth-Law and Reuben Denison (cancelled)
  4. Bikepacking and swimming along the West Kernow Way – Georgie Carter
  5. Cycling the Great Sambisa Forest, Nigeria – Ugwu Odinaka Emmanuel
  6. Walking the White Horses: Uffington to Westbury – Christine Boyle
  7. Cycling across France with a baby – Sam Jones
  8. Walk the Tawe River from source to sea – Finn McCartney-Hill
  9. Walking the Rhodope narrow-gauge railway, Bulgaria – Radoslava Mitova
  10. Walking across Europe – Greg Lonsdale
  11. Cycling to every settlement on the Isle of Wight – Nicci Shepherd
  12. Walking the Suffolk coast – Rachel Kearton
  13. Triathlon across Wales – Rachel Davies
  14. Walking and drawing across Denmark – Catherine Jones
  15. Hiking and bivouacking from cave to cave in Franconian Switzerland, Germany – Jérémie Gnaedig

Thank you to the 236 other people that applied. I’m sorry I couldn’t support you all!

More details from the winners to follow in soon.


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