About the author

Tim Moss

Tim Moss has supported over 100 expeditions across all seven continents. He has climbed new mountains, crossed a desert on foot and recently cycled 13,000 miles around the world. He is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society London and a Guinness World Record Holder. He aims to encourage more people to live adventurously. Read more...


  1. 1

    Lizzie Dingle

    I totally agree with that last comment Tim! My fieldwork is based largely in UP and Bihar and I struggle to work out whether I love it or hate it sometimes. Very different feel in the more rural villages though, people aren’t half as interested in the circus coming to town and definitely seem to have more of an appreciation of personal space. I somehow managed to avoid getting any stomach problems on my last trip out so it’s definitely possible- only eat it if you’ve watched it being cooked. Hope you’re managing the heat, watch out for the hail storms as you head further north!!

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      Tim Moss

      Thanks Lizzie. Be interesting to see if the villages in Uttar Pradesh are any calmer, most we’ve passed through so far have been pretty excitable!

      Back in bed with stomach problems and fever. Happy days!

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    Daniel Page

    Hi Guys,

    Sounds like India has been a real change from the rest of your trip so far. I’ll be interested to hear how it compares with the rest of Asia!


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      Tim Moss

      Yes, I’m hoping (though not hopeful) that the rest may be a little calmer.

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    Andy Welch

    Hi Tim, thanks for sharing your thoughts. From my experience spending 4 months cycling in India, the food hygiene was a lot worse in Pakistan. I drank the water everywhere in India and I only had infrequent issues, but I was probably lucky (and I had also been prepared by Pakistan). Tourist prices are charged at tourist sites. It was still ridiculously cheap when I was there. Yes people do crowd round and follow you everywhere but its a different conception of private space isn’t it? I hope you feel better.

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      Tim Moss

      Thanks Andy. Interesting that you found Pakistan worse. Just had an IV drip and prescribed antibiotics so should be better soon. I hear Nepal is much calmer…

  4. Pingback: Escape from India

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