The Dishwasher Dash (and 9 other ways I squeeze exercise into my working day)

One of the frustrating things about being desk-bound for the majority of my working days is the lethargy it threatens to instill. As such, I’ve been dabbling with a number of ways to squeeze in little tidbits of exercise to my daily routine. Here’s a few of them:

  1. Leaving my phone in the next room so I have to walk/run when it rings
  2. Doing one-legged squats to stand up (and sit down again)*
  3. Alternating my desk position between sitting bolt-upright, balancing on a Swiss ball and kneeling on the floor
  4. Always using the upstairs loo and always running up the stairs to it (if I know it’s engaged then I’ll just tag the door and run back to use the downstairs one)
  5. Putting my water/tea just out of reach so I have to stretch for it*
  6. Conducting all phone calls on a Swiss ball (sitting if it’s important, kneeling if not so important)
  7. Standing up every time someone comes to talk to me (see #2)
  8. Dancing whilst making my lunch (I work home alone a lot)
  9. Sprinting to open the dishwasher door before it makes a second annoying bleep
  10. Recognising that every opportunity for movement and activity is a chance to keep my mind and body in shape

What have you got to add?

(*These techniques, and the broader concept, come courtesy of Mr Rob Cousins)


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