This is a little egotistical and very indulgent but I’ve enjoyed flicking back through some old pieces on my website to select a few lines that have made me smile on re-reading.
“Heaven opens the sluice gates and eight pairs of knuckles turn white as they cling to poles in an attempt to keep the tent earthbound.”
“A subtle epiphany that strikes with the alacrity of treacle off a spoon.”
“Arise at the crack of dawn. Skip breakfast and instead cram fists-full of life into your wide open mouth and enjoy happy satiety for the rest of your day, smug with the knowledge that you have done something on this day that few else can claim:
You have lived.”
– Everyday Adventure #5 – Catch the Worm
“Days go by without notice. People pass in the street without recognition. You drink your cup of coffee without realising you’ve done so and you arrive at work but can’t remember the drive. I’d cycled this route a thousand times and now I had an excuse to make it different.”
“Today I am stronger.”
“I feel at home in traffic on my bike. Sandwiched neatly between black cab and concrete curb on Euston Road, movement as mindless as my thoughts are effortless.”
“If work is a prison then let the lunch hour be your escape.”
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