8 Interviews I’ve Given Recently

Winter sun in Turkey

I often get asked to give “interviews” by email and, on the off chance they might be of interest to anyone reading this blog, I thought I’d share the links to some recent ones.

Here goes…

Mint – Mostly about budget travel but I enjoyed the opportunity to give my definition of adventure.

Escapism – This one’s particularly enjoyable because she makes me out to a real hard core explorer (“This Is Where Tim Moss Lives” with an arrow pointing to a tent). The link is to the PDF of the article.

Project Cordillera – I got to write about the fact that I’m not a professional adventurer and can’t take credit for microadventures.

Media Shower – Good questions here like ‘Why do I challenge people to live adventurously?’. Also, some stuff about blogging and running a website.

The Inspired 50 – I did answer a heap of questions but this is really more like a short profile. Still, they did call me an “inspirer”.

Hotels Cheap – Some practical tips on travelling.

The Telegraph – Laura and I were interviewed as an “extreme couple”.

WOOW.bike – A very stylish website with lots of cool photographs and interviews with other cyclists.


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