One Small Piece of Advice… (Start Running)

I frequently get emails from people asking for help with their expeditions – it’s the reason I started this website and the reason there’s a big green button at the top right of your screen offering as much.

More often than not, such conversations peter out and I never hear from the people again (with the notable exception of a young lady who emailed me a while back about trying to become the youngest British woman to climb Everest. The next time I read Bonita Norris‘ name was in the newspaper).

A guy who wanted to organise a mass-participation marathon every day in September, someone who hoped to row the South Atlantic, a bloke trying to ride a scooter around the world….

They are always grand ideas and I truly love that such people find me as someone to contact for help. However, in many instances it seems that rather than any practical hurdles being in the way, all that is really needed is a first step.

Steve emailed me back in February saying that he was going to do a similar Tube running challenge to mine and Laura’s. A few months later, having not yet started, he said he would join us on the Bakerloo Line but never showed up. Some confusion about changing clocks apparently. He emailed once more at the end of last month, saying he was starting in a few days’ time but his subsequent reply told me that he hadn’t managed to start (there was reference again to clock changes).

Under normal circumstances, I only ever write pleasant, supportive emails of encouragement (I’m not a big fan of negativity). But I felt that what was really needed here was some honesty and a good old fashioned kick up the arse so I sent this email….

Hi Steve

Your website looks great. Please do send through a link to anywhere you mention us.

You’ve been talking about and planning your run for quite a while now. It may not be my place to say this but you’ve chosen to email me so I’ll go ahead and give one small piece of advice…

Start running.

I seem to recall you mentioned the clock changes as a reason for not joining Laura and I on the Bakerloo Line six months ago (six months!). And now you say that there are quite a lot of logistics involved. I would have to disagree. Just turn up to any Tube station in running shoes with an Oyster card, A to Z and a few quid to buy water/snacks.

If it’s something you really want to do then just get out there and make a start.

I look forward to a photograph of you at the end of your first line. Best of luck to yourself and Zoe.


The next time I looked at Steve’s website, it was filled with photos from the Victoria Line.

Congratulations on taking the first step Steve.

(You can follow his progress here).


6 responses to “One Small Piece of Advice… (Start Running)”

  1. Oh dear Tim, this is Steve. I was very disappointed to read this post.

    You have misrepresented the write-up of this situation to suit your own purposes. Did you mention that (as I explained to you) I was running a marathon in March and that I had explained that the training programme for this didn’t fit in with your running plans? No. Did you seek to understand what other obligations (work- and non-work related) that I had done over the summer? No. Your post seems to suggest that you are taking credit for sending one e-mail to me and then the consequence was that I started my challenge. The reality of the situation is that I did start, but it was not because of your correspondence.

    If you want to be considered a credible motivator then you need to tell the whole truth.

  2. Hi Steve

    Thanks for your comment. I’m very sorry if you feel the post is a misrepresentation.

    You’re right, of course, that I have no idea about any of the things that undoubtedly go on in your life outside of the occasional email we’ve had and I’m sorry if this unfairly portrays you.

    The point I was trying to get across is that, unlike many other people of whom I sadly lose track, you did get out there and do it.

    No doubt a single email from me had little or no impact on your decision to start running but, if nothing else, it was a nice coincidence for me to be able to email someone and then see them get cracking so soon afterwards.

    I hope this won’t sour relations between the very small club of Tube runners (3 of us?) out there!


  3. Nice work Tim AND Steve.
    Does it matter if one email changed the world or not? No!
    Fact is… Tim’s advice was good AND Steve’s tube running is good. If the two are joined at the hip or if ‘never the twain’ strikes the right chords, who cares. Keep running Steve and keep giving advice Tim. The fact that you are both doing what you do and making what you do public is often advice enough and may be just what somebody needs to give them a little push to “Just do it!” as some sporty type company once said!

  4. Hi Tim

    Thanks for replying and I think this helps to set the record a little more straight. I agree with your point about getting started. There are different personality types out there – some will leap over the edge and enjoy the thrills and spills of the adventure ahead; others plan, analyse, take measured judgements and so on, and only then will they take the great leap. I think that you are more of the former and I am more of the latter – but you’re right that excessive planning can result in no-one getting anything done. And I’m a firm believer in things only changing/improving if you, as an individual, take explicit actions to make things happen.

    So in that respect I can fully endorse the subject/intent of this post – i.e. you can greatly increase the likelihood of your achieving a goal if you actually start it! :)

    And I do look forward to our continued discussions as I progress my way through the hundreds of miles ahead. As you say, tube running is a very exclusive club!

  5. Steve W, thanks for coming back.

    I agree, there are definitely different approaches and they don’t matter a jot when you’ve taken the “great leap” already. And your proper prior planning will no doubt pay off in the long run! (No pun intended!).

    Steve B, wise words. I feel a little bit like you may have had the two of us by the ears for that speech…

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