…sounds like the name of a dodgy crime fighting duo but they’re ac tually the names of a couple of cool projects.
Howard Drakes sent me this email out of the blue which I thought might be of interest:
Greetings Tim
I came across your website today and connected with the energy that seems to underpin it. Read through some of the articles and have saved a few more for later. Part of the reason there was a resonance was because I have had some personal experience with nomads, those who are walking with reasons both great and small. I wanted to share some of these journey’s with you in the hope that they are fuel for inspiration.
Mildred Norman: Peace Pilgrim
Mildred Norman who, at 44, left her life circumstances and became the Peace Pilgrim — walking the US, coast to coast for peace, for nearly 30 years, living on faith and sharing her wisdom and exuberance generously with people across the land. (Watch the video on YouTube)
John Francis: Planet Walker
John Francis was in his twenties when a 1971 oil spill in San Francisco Bay jarred his comfortable life. Even as he joined the volunteers who scrubbed the beaches and fought to save birds and sea creatures poisoned by petroleum, he felt the need to make a deeper, more personal commitment. As an affirmation of his responsibility to our planet, he chose to stop using motorized vehicles and began walking wherever he went.
Africa Trek: Alexandre & Sonia Poussin
In 2009 I interviewed a couple who made a 14,000km pilgrimage tracing the route of humans out of Africa. Sonia and Alex walked from Cape Town to Jerusalem along an unplanned route, being supported by people along the way.
Closest to my heart is the journey by a native, nomadic soul who is walking in Africa to challenge all those borders, real and imagined, that divide us as humanity:A beautiful evening’s walk…
What do you think? Please do add your thoughts below…