Statistics from cycling across Europe

Near the top of the pass


Total distance cycled: 2748.4 miles (4,423.1km)


Daily average (whole trip): 29.8 miles (47.9km)

Daily average (when cycling): 39.8 miles (64.0km)

“Whole trip” includes rest days.


Countries visited: 10


Number of days: 92

  • of which cycling: 69
  • of which resting: 23


Nights camping: 52

  • of which wild camping: 42
  • of which campsites: 10

As well as in fıelds and woods, “wild camping” includes car parks, playgrounds and back gardens. Half of the campsites used were all in the first week when we had a group of friends cycling with us and wild camping wasn’t practical.


Nights spent indoors: 40

  • of which with friends: 3
  • of which couch surfing: 8
  • of which warm showers: 6
  • of which in hotels: 17*
  • of which acts of kindness: 6

*The hotel figure is misleading as we have never actually chosen to stay hotel at the end of a day’s ride. 7 nights are from two birthday treats from friends/family and 9 nights are from staying with family who have come to visit. The one remaining night, we were knocking on doors in a wet Montenegro when a man offered to open up a derelict hotel building and let us stay for €3 each.

“Acts of kindness” are those wonderful evenings where somebody offers us a place to stay, be it a spare room in their house/restaurant, or just an empty garage.


Punctures: 5

Some people donate £1 to our charity for every puncture we get. Read more or donate now.


Longest period without showering: 7 days (France)

  • of which without washing: 3 days


Number of sporks distributed: 39

Given to everyone who helps us as part of a competition. Read more.


Number of Mr Choc Peanut & Caramel chocolate bars consumed: 2,482 (approx.)

  • of which Laura: 2,480


Number of crashes: 3

  • of which Tim: 3
  • of which involving other vehicles: 0


Days of cycling in the rain: 6


Videos made: 3

Photo albums created: 8

Articles written: 37


Number of times a National Road Cycling Champion has serviced our bikes: 1

(Thanks Vlad!)


We regularly update a spreadsheet with daily stats from our ride, how far we travel each day and where we sleep each night along with automatically calculated summary statistics. Browse all stats here.


2 responses to “Statistics from cycling across Europe”

  1. Neil Cousins avatar
    Neil Cousins

    Loving it! Well done. And keep munching those choccies.. very important to get the required calories. You’ll be pleased to know I keep recommending your blog to people we meet on the road if the conversations should happen to turn to adventures. Enjoy!

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