Total distance cycled: 2748.4 miles (4,423.1km)
Daily average (whole trip): 29.8 miles (47.9km)
Daily average (when cycling): 39.8 miles (64.0km)
“Whole trip” includes rest days.
Countries visited: 10
Number of days: 92
- of which cycling: 69
- of which resting: 23
Nights camping: 52
- of which wild camping: 42
- of which campsites: 10
As well as in fıelds and woods, “wild camping” includes car parks, playgrounds and back gardens. Half of the campsites used were all in the first week when we had a group of friends cycling with us and wild camping wasn’t practical.
Nights spent indoors: 40
- of which with friends: 3
- of which couch surfing: 8
- of which warm showers: 6
- of which in hotels: 17*
- of which acts of kindness: 6
*The hotel figure is misleading as we have never actually chosen to stay hotel at the end of a day’s ride. 7 nights are from two birthday treats from friends/family and 9 nights are from staying with family who have come to visit. The one remaining night, we were knocking on doors in a wet Montenegro when a man offered to open up a derelict hotel building and let us stay for €3 each.
“Acts of kindness” are those wonderful evenings where somebody offers us a place to stay, be it a spare room in their house/restaurant, or just an empty garage.
Punctures: 5
Some people donate £1 to our charity for every puncture we get. Read more or donate now.
Longest period without showering: 7 days (France)
- of which without washing: 3 days
Number of sporks distributed: 39
Given to everyone who helps us as part of a competition. Read more.
Number of Mr Choc Peanut & Caramel chocolate bars consumed: 2,482 (approx.)
- of which Laura: 2,480
Number of crashes: 3
- of which Tim: 3
- of which involving other vehicles: 0
Days of cycling in the rain: 6
Articles written: 37
Number of times a National Road Cycling Champion has serviced our bikes: 1
(Thanks Vlad!)
We regularly update a spreadsheet with daily stats from our ride, how far we travel each day and where we sleep each night along with automatically calculated summary statistics. Browse all stats here.
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