Tag: FAQs
What Should Expeditions Expect in Return for Supporting a Charity?
I had an email recently asking me about using an expedition to fundraise for a charity and what one might expect from that charity in exchange. I’ve changed the wording of the original question and embellished my reply a little but the gist of it is published below. Thoughts welcome. What Should Expeditions Expect…
How to Wash on a Cycle Tour (and other questions answered)
Hi Tim. Clearly you have done a lot of touring and adventuring, and as a newbie to the whole thing I just have a bunch of questions I’d love to ask a veteran. If you have a little time on your hands for a little email back and forth please let me know. I’d love…
Proof That Anyone Can Cross a Desert
I started this blog six years ago to encourage people to go on adventures and help them where I can. People email me questions all the time. I write back to every single one but many never even reply to say thanks. So it was supremely gratifying to receive an email the other day from…