Tag: London

  • Cheap Eats in London

    Cheap restaurants in London. Completely off-topic but finding London’s best cheap eats has been a favourite game of mine for many years (and by cheap I mean ideally dinner for under £5, certainly under £10). London need not be an expensive place to live or eat. Here are a few cheap meal recommendations from a…

  • Warm Welcome to a New Tube Runner

    My friend Mike drew my attention yesterday to a website I’d not come across before: Harry’s Tube Runners. It transpires that a chap called Steven Whyley took it upon himself to run some Tube Lines to raise money for Cancer Research after following the inspiring story of young Harry Moseley. Steven was initially just going…

  • Let the Games Begin: A Manifesto for London

    On alternate days over the past two weeks, I have started and ended my day with a bicycle transect of Greater London. A thirty five mile return trip from north west to south east and back again, conducted at street level and on two wheels. For several months prior to this, I had been growing…