Tag: Rickshaw World Record

  • 7 Signs of Support (for the long distance rickshaw rider)

    The car honk – invariably positive rather than angry as displayed in the Pie Chart of Positivity (scroll far right) “That looks like hard work” – as I struggle uphill and riposte predictably with “Yeah, it feels like it too!” The wave – drivers passing on the other side of the road or overtaking and…

  • Stage 2: Edinburgh to the Peak District

    The most notable change for the second leg of my journey is that The Bug now works properly. Where previously my cycling was accompanied by a continual grinding-of-metal noise and my charge would lurch ever-so-slightly left with annoying consistency, it now does not. I hadn’t thought it was having a great impact on my progress…

  • Bigger, Stronger, Faster

    My forearms rest over the handlebars and my head is down. My body rocks from side to side and my legs keep turning over. I look ahead at the rising road and subdue a smile with gritted teeth. In the pub last night, the guys propping up the bar all had the same response when…

  • Vote tomorrow, but not for yourself

    Tomorrow our country goes to the polls to decide who will lead the country and I’m taking a moment out of my day’s cycling and my website’s expedition updates to write about something I’ve been thinking about these past few days. I hope that whatever your views, you will be voting tomorrow. To not do…

  • Let’s talk about the weather

    Let’s indulge for a moment in true British fashion. Let’s talk about the weather. I’ve not been checking the forecast. I rarely do. But on two occasions I’ve been told in passing or overheard that “tomorrow” is going to be wet. I hate it. I spend the night worrying about a day spent cycling in…

  • Blood Sugar (Sex Magic)

    Without going into too much boring detail, I’ve had a number of mechanical issues arising with The Bug since stopping in Edinburgh. They’ve largely revolved around dodgy wheels and ill-functioning brakes. Considering it was supposed to be a rest day, I found myself gunning up a fair few of Edinburgh’s finest hills on a single…

  • Stage 1: Aviemore to Edinburgh

    There are lots of reasons that pedalling this contraption is quite slow and a little hard work – its size, its weight, its poor aerodynamics and the fact that the left wheel acts as though someone is jerking the break every two seconds giving the bike a sort of nervous twitch are just a few…

  • Seven Kilos

    “I know you”, she says, pointing a finger at me as she opens the front door. Hmmm. Is she a dedicated follower of my top-class website? Seen me give an inspirational talk somewhere? Or perhaps I’m jsuit the only person to have booked in some work on a bright yellow rickshaw that morning. “I’ll get…

  • Rickshaw Britain

    It’s happening now. I started yesterday and am attempting to cycle 1000 miles from the Highlands to London. I’m in a rickshaw known as ‘The Bug’ (after the company that generously donated it to me – Bug Bugs) and, well, it’s heavy. I’ve got all my camping kit on the back and the laptop on…

  • About that World Record attempt…

    You voted yes. Yes, I should break a World Record. That’s what you said. I was pontificating over the pros and cons of trying to break the World Record for the longest distance cycled in a rickshaw. I thought it was a slightly silly record to aim for and not really what my rickshaw trip…

  • I leave next Monday

    For a number of reasons, I’ve been putting off “announcing” the start date of my next little adventure – the one with the rickshaw – but now, with D-Day looming, it seems silly not to have put it on my own blog. The Bug, as she is now known, still has no functioning front breaks,…