The first day


Today is the first day of the rest of my life.

And there lies the melodramatic start to my blog. It’s 4pm on a Wednesday afternoon and I am typing from the spare room of my parents’ house. That’s significant for three reasons:

1. I’m not at work (I recently left my job)

2. I’m at my parents’ place (I’ve moved out of my house)

3. I’m blogging (rather than looking for a new job or a new house)

What does this all mean?

It means that I am trying something new. A different approach to life. One that doesn’t involve having a “job” in the traditional sense and one that means I might not know what I am doing from one week to the next but also, I hope, one that will be filled with adventures, both of my own and of those around me.

It’s an exciting time and it’s a scary time and it’s a time with a lot of unknown unknowns but this is something I’ve been looking forward to for a very long time.

I hope that you’ll join me on this journey and, above all, wish me luck!


3 responses to “The first day”

  1. Dude…having seen this linked to from the post I just wrote the uber comment on, I have to say that if your movitation ever flags (which I doubt it does), that from over here it still looks like you made the correct decision on 22nd April 2009!

    How else could you go swimming in the Thames midweek or bivi along the South Downs Way on Tuesday night?

  2. It must have been great days since then.

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