The Next Challenge is changing

You may have noticed a few changes on my website. I’ve had a bit of a re-design that will, hopefully, make it more use friendly and look a little better. Thanks for bearing with me while I tinker.

But I am also trying to make changes that extend beyond the aesthetic.

I first came up with the vague concept of what is now “The Next Challenge” about four years ago. But even when I launched the website a year or so back, it was still a long way from clear in my mind what exactly that concept was. It’s still evolving now but I think I’m beginning to get a better sense of it.

I hope that for those of you arriving for your first time it is clearer from the outset what purpose this website serves. And, for those of you who come here more often, that a clearer direction is beginning to emerge.

I want the site to be a little bit more than just a blog which is why I’ve tried to make the Services side of what I do more obvious and, just as important, make it clearer what I can actually offer. And, over the coming months, I’m going to trial a Resources section to compile useful websites, books, articles and organisations relating to all things adventure. I’ll be looking for your help when the time comes.

However, I appreciate that it’s largely for the blog that people will come here and that’s not something I want to take for granted. But I do want to make a few changes to it, hopefully for the better.

I want to streamline it a bit, make it more focused. I want less quantity and more quality. I want to write articles that I, you, we, can look back on in a year’s time and still find interesting and useful. To achieve that focus, I’m giving restricting myself to three core topics: Living Adventurously, Advice Articles and posts about my own adventures. If an article doesn’t fit into one of these then it probably doesn’t belong on this blog.

The Advice Articles will be the biggest change and the ones I’m most excited about. The first in a series of “How To” articles will be online next Monday – How To Use Simple Supermarket Foods For Sports Nutrition – let me know what you think.

I hope that you’ll stick with me through a few changes and I hope that you’ll enjoy it all the more. But, most of all, I hope that you’ll tell me if you don’t.


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