Here are some of my favourite Tweets from the last month (yeah, yeah – I know it says ‘Tweet of the Week‘ but it just sounds better)…
- Evolution. Four feet, grunting. Two feet, talking. One foot, four wheels, tweeting, BANG! Two feet, two hands flying [10:48 PM Sep 15th – MartianInkPot]
- On train to speak at black tie Entrepreneur Awards. No idea where I will sleep after. Lucky I packed my bivi bag as well as my tux… [3:18 PM Sep 23rd – AlHumphreys]
- Once upon a time there was a beautiful Princess. Something morally relevant happened. Then Disney fucked it up to sell toys. The End [9:24 AM Sep 15th – edent]
- Google Reader is just great, it means I don’t have to waste time visiting websites any more… but is there a decent offline equivalent? [9:31 AM Sep 29th – RideEarthTom]
- (In reply to the above) @earthridetom a library? [10:32 AM Sep 29th – AlHumphreys]
- The bee entered via the bus driver’s window; browsed the meadow of sugar and sweat; dodged two rollowed newspapers; exited, sting intact [fuzzsixty7]
- ‘Una mas por favor’ (one more please) – my most used mealtime phrase! Just used it for a bowl of pasta – a rare find here [3:17 AM Sep 29th – cyclingamericas]
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