Update On My Book About Cycling Around the World

Arriving into Texas - Cycling around the world

My book about cycling around the world is on track for publication in May.

I first started writing it back in 2015 but have been working on it seriously for the last 18 months. I have to fit it around work but, holidays aside, I have consistently put several hours into writing the book every week since the summer of 2016. (I have my friend Eddie to thank for that. He phones me up every Sunday to ask how many hours I’ve done).

I had most of the story written this time last year and I thought I was almost done. But I have spent 12 months editing and improving it and still have some work to do. However, it feels like the end is in sight.

Hard copy

Before Christmas, I printed a first hard copy. It was rewardingly thick: 159 A4 pages at Arial size 9, with over 100,000 words. The longest thing I’ve ever written.

(If you follow me on social media, you might have noted that I managed to leave this precious hard copy on a train on Tuesday. Thankfully, it turned up in lost property!)

Laura is reading it through first. She has been helping me throughout but this is the first time she has been able to read it cover to cover. I will then send it out to a wider group for feedback before finally getting friends and family to help with proof reading.

(Self) publishing

I will not be going through a publisher this time, I will self-publish instead. I sell 50 books through my website for every one that gets bought in the shops. Plus, whereas I only get 50p (before tax) when you buy my book for £10 on Amazon, I get £9.80 if you download one for the same price from this website.

The book will be available in hard copy as well as ebook format. Ebooks are much easier for me to sell and distribute but, whilst I think they work well for my guidebooks, I appreciate that lots of people still like their stories in paperback.

I will start taking pre-orders in February or March. My hard deadline for actually having the book printed is the first May Bank Holiday because I want to have it available to buy at this year’s Cycle Touring Festival. After that, it will be available to order and download from this website.

In the meantime, I still have a little more editing to do…

Be first to get a copy…

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