As you may know, I’m trying to run the length of every London Underground train line with my friend Laura this year. Shortly after we decided to go ahead with the idea, I decided to ring Transport For London because I thought it might be of interest to them.
I’m quite used to the hard sell of explaining slightly odd expeditions to whoever it is that’s unfortunate enough to pick up the phone at the organisation I’m trying to get help from but that doesn’t stop an unpleasant knot forming in my stomach every time I do. I hate it, if I’m honest.
And so I appreciated all the more the wonderful “The world is a good place” moment when the guy on the other end of the phone got exactly what I was talking about, realised I wasn’t trying to sell him anything or ask for money, and immediately came up with some great ways to help us out. So, in addition to the very generous gift of complimentary Oyster cards with credit, a couple of employees gave up their Sunday morning to chase around the Underground system with a video camera and film us running along the Victoria Line.
…and all of that was far too many words for what, essentially, is a blog post to show off this cool new video.
What do you think? Please do add your thoughts below…