Hopping between boulders on a sunny day in the arctic, I was extolling the virtues of my website to a friend when she asked me: “What is it about?”
“Well, it’s… err… challanges… um… expeditions…”
…was about all I could come up with. What is this blog about?
I spent a lot of time on my bike thinking about this question. I had no plans of what I would write about when I started this page, in fact, it wasn’t even going to be a blog (yes, I know, life without it doesn’t even bear thinking about).
The obvious topics are challenges and expeditions, and everything that goes with them such as training, sponsorship and the occasional diary excerpt. But whilst I do cover those topics and they are a central theme to both this site and what I’m trying to do with my life, they don’t interest me in isolation (although that shouldn’t be ignored).
The idea for this site originally came to me because I wanted to help other people with their adventures such as this guy, this guy, these guys and these. I then wanted to combine our stories to inspire and motivate more people. But I realised that if I wanted to make a living “consulting” on challenges then I wouldn’t be helping the kind of people I wanted to help.
That, in turn, got me thinking about life, how we live it and how we can make the most out of it. And how much we get from challenging assumptions and ourselves.
I’ve since thrown into the mix a few great quotes, contributions from my friends, some regular features and some aimless ramblings and – hey presto – that is my website.
What do you think – is that an accurate description?
What do you think? Please do add your thoughts below…