Laura Moss

Having cycled 13,000 miles around the world, Laura Moss is a director of The Adventure Syndicate and organises the annual Cycle Touring Festival.

Laura Moss - The Next Challenge
Laura cycling in a Turkish winter

Laura’s Projects

Cycling Around the World

Laura spent 16 months cycling 13,000 miles around the world with her husband Tim.

The Adventure Syndicate

A collective of inspirational female cyclists

The Database of Long Distance Cycle Journeys

Probably the largest cycle touring data set in the world. A huge collection of stats and figures from over 200 cyclists who have completed journeys of 10,000km (6,000 miles) or more.

The Cycle Touring Festival

The UK’s annual festival for cycle tourists.

Flickr Photography

Most of the photos from our around the world cycle trip are taken by Laura.


This website is run by Laura’s husband, Tim.

Laura Moss
Laura in Patagonia


Articles written by Laura

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Contact Laura

Email Laura on: laura [at]

Find her on Twitter: @lauralikeswater