2010 Review – A Statistical Analysis of My Website

With the aid of WordPress.com Stats and Google Analytics, both wonderfully helpful and free bits of software, I’ve had a quick look at some of the stats for my site in 2010.

“Statistical analysis” might be a bit much but here are some of the numbers…

Most read articles

  1. 5 Health Benefits of Cold Water Swimming*
  2. Angry Young Man – Guest Blog: Julian Sayarer
  3. How To Have An Adventure Every Day – Guest Blog: Laura Tomlinson
  4. Lunchtime Jailbreak – Everyday Adventure #1
  5. How To: Use Supermarket Food for Sports Nutrition
(*Largely the result of Google searches on the topic, see below)

Most commented posts

  1. Angry Young Man – Guest Blog: Julian Sayarer (This Is Not For Charity)
  2. 5 health benefits of cold water swimming
  3. 10 Tips For Your First Swimming Expedition
  4. How To: Use Supermarket Food for Sports Nutrition
  5. Running the Victoria Line – A Video

Most Viewed Expedition Pages

  1. Running the Tube
  2. Rickshaw Britain
  3. Everyday Adventures
  4. £100 Adventure – An Expedition on a Budget
  5. Around the World in 80 Ways

Where most of my visitors come from

  1. Google
  2. Direct (i.e. people typing www.thenextchallenge.org)
  3. Twitter
  4. Facebook

Other sites that have referred the most people to me

  1. Escape the City
  2. This Is Not For Charity
  3. Outdoors Magic
  4. Alastair Humphreys
  5. Globe Cycle

(Thanks guys!)

Notable/entertaining search engine terms

  1. “the next challenge”, “next challenge”, “tim moss” etc…
  2. cold water swimming health benefits“, “swimming in cold water” etc…
  3. unclimbed mountains“, “how to get to the north pole“, “how to have an adventure
  4. running up mount everest royal geographical society
  5. due south” (my personal favourite!)

Visitor habits

  • Average time spent on site: 2 minutes, 43 seconds
  • Average number of pages viewed per visit: 2.9
  • Visitors who view one page and leave (“bounce rate”): 36%
  • Percentage of total visitors who are new to the site (as opposed to repeat visitors): 60%



One response to “2010 Review – A Statistical Analysis of My Website”

  1. Great work Tim. Love the “Due South” key words. New site looking great

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