Bikepacking and Bothies

This afternoon, after running a workshop at the Edinburgh Festival of Cycling, Laura and I are taking our new mountain bikes across the Cairngorms for a week of bikepacking and bothying.

Bikepacking is cycle touring without panniers. Instead we’re using tiny, lightweight bags strapped to the frames of our bikes that mean we can cycle off-road and camp in the wild.

Bothies are old empty buildings in wild places that are maintained solely for the purpose of housing hikers and the like.

A better explanation of what it’s about comes from this excellent video from Al Humphreys. Enjoy…

P.S. We’re using Genesis High Latitude 29-inch bikes and testing bikepacking bags from Ortlieb, Wildcat and Cycle Miles’ Gorilla Cages.


One response to “Bikepacking and Bothies”

  1. […] is one of the few areas of England in which you can find bothies. There are three in the park and we visited them […]

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