An axplanation of all the different types of camping gas canisters, plus clever adaptors that let you use them all and special ‘dual fuel’ stoves
Quick links:
Types of gas canister | Gas canister adaptors | Dual fuel stoves
Screw-on canisters | Easy-Clic canisters | Pierceable canisters | Aerosol canisters
Having given two talks on camping stoves at recent festivals, one of the key things I realised was that not everyone knows about the different types of gas canisters available for camping stoves.
Even fewer knew that there are several dual fuel stoves and handy little adaptors you can get for your camping stove that will allow it to use any type of gas.
As such, I’ve written a guide.
Guide to Camping Gas Canisters
There are several different types of gas canisters for camping stoves. Working out which you need can be confusing and finding a shop that stocks them frustrating.
This guide gives a simple explanation of the different types of camping gas available, which one you need for your camping stove and where you can find them.
Plus, I’ve included details of some little known adaptors that will allow you to use any gas cylinder on your camping stove and three stoves that will take more than type of canister.
(For a detailed review of gas canister camping stoves, see here)
Types of Camping Gas Canister
There are four main types of camping gas canisters:
The vast majority of canister stoves use screw-on canisters, especially in the US and UK.
However, if you’re travelling through different countries or out in the middle of nowhere, you can’t always find screw-on gas canisters.
If you read the guide below and learn about the alternatives, there are some tricks to get around the problem.
Specifically, with a ‘dual fuel’ stove below or one of the adaptors below, you can use multiple types of gas cylinder, which will maximise your chances of finding gas canisters all over the world, wherever you are. It’s a good way to save money too as the alternatives are often cheaper.
Below is a guide to the four main types of camping gas cartridges used for camping stoves along with details of two other types, just for completeness.
1. Screw-On Canisters
Also called: threaded, C100, C500, CA500, “normal”.
By far the most common type for camping. Resealable due to ‘Lindal valve’. If you’re in a hurry then you can ignore the rest and just focus on these.
Butane/propane mix
100g, 250 (220g), 500 (445g)
UK, Europe, USA and most of world in specialist camping shops.
Buy from:
Camping shops
Order Online
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2. Easy-Clic Canisters
Also called: non-threaded, clip on, Easy Clic Plus, CV270, CV300, CV470
Identical to screw-on canister except without the thread on the valve (meaning they’re incompatible with each other).
Butane/propane mix
270 (230g), 300 (240g), 470 (450g)
Europe (mostly northern Europe).
Buy from:
Camping shops
Order Online
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[button color=”red” link=”” align=”center” target=”_blank” radius=”2″]Check price USA ➜[/button]
3. Pierceable
Also called: puncture, dimple, Bleuet, C206, 206, 190g
Cheap but you can’t re-seal it once punctured. It’s never a first choice but in some areas it’s the only one available.
Butane/propane mix
Sporadically all over the world. Particularly France, east and southern Europe.
Buy from:
Camping shops, DIY/gardening stores, supermarkets.
Order Online
[button color=”green” link=”” align=”center” target=”_blank” radius=”2″]Check price UK ➜[/button]
[button color=”red” link=”” align=”center” target=”_blank” radius=”2″]Check price USA ➜[/button]
4. Aerosol
Also called: nozzle, hair spray, CP250, 220g butane, bayonet, butane bottle
Cheap but usually only usable with an adaptor or for re-filling other screw-on canisters.
250 (250g)
Sporadically all over the world. Particularly Europe, USA, Korea, Japan.
Buy from:
Camping shops, DIY/gardening stores, supermarkets, gas/petrol stations.
Order Online
[button color=”green” link=”” align=”center” target=”_blank” radius=”2″]Check price UK ➜[/button]
[button color=”red” link=”” align=”center” target=”_blank” radius=”2″]Check price USA ➜[/button]
5. 16.4oz Steel Canisters
These canisters are a bit heavy to carry around in a backpack but might be used for camping from a car or at a basecamp. They’re mostly just mentioned here to highlight another type of canister that might otherwise confuse.
6. Giant Calor Gas Canisters
Big, heavy canisters (4.5kg-15kg / 10-30lbs or more), often made by CalorGas. They’ve still got butane and/or propane inside but are usually used for caravans, barbecues and patio heaters. Mentioned only to avoid confusion.
Gas Canister Adaptors
For a few pounds/dollars, you can buy small adaptors for your stove that will allow you to use different types of canisters. They only weigh a few grams/ounces but can be really useful when travelling abroad. They can save you money too.
All of the adaptors below will attach directly to a screw-on canister stove. They will allow you to use Easy-Clic canisters, aerosol cartridges and puncture canisters.
The only other adaptor I’m aware of is for 16.4oz gas stoves, which allows you to use screw-on canisters: Greyhost gas adapter.
You can either search for imported products on Amazon and eBay or go straight to Mercator for branded Kovea products.
Kovea Aerosol
Kovea Easy-Clic
UK: Search / | USA: Search /
Dual Fuel Stoves
Most camping stoves are just compatible with screw-on canisters and some are just compatible with Easy-Clic canisters. However, there are a couple of special stoves that will allow you to use either type of canister: screw-on and Easy-Clic.
The following stoves are all compatible with both screw-on and Easy-Clic canisters. They will still need one of the adaptors above to use either aerosol canisters or puncture cartridges.
Primus Easy Fuel Duo
Primus Express Duo
MSR SuperFly
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