Tag: Swimming
Shouldering the Burden
The first touch of the chilled water felt good against my skin. In England, outdoor pools are heated but here in Oman, they’re cooled. The warm up was 200-metres of front crawl. I hadn’t really done serious lengths for over a year now. Not since I first hurt my shoulder. I’ve been avoiding hard swimming…
Swimming: The Next Step in Adventure – Guest Blog: Dan Martin
I met Dan Martin in the Lake District last month where I commandeered a motorboat and shipped kit to an island that he swam to and where we cooked up a feast on an open fire and camped out like a real old-fashioned adventure. OK, that’s not strictly true. I think the first time we…
Wild Swims and Mild Whims
I’ve been meaning to write something about outdoor swimming for some time now. I am a terrible swimmer. I can only “do” two strokes – front crawl and breast stroke – neither of them are executed with any grace or efficiency and you’ll notice that this short list excludes back stroke. Whilst I’m able to…
Coast-to-Coast photos
Here are some snaps from the triathlon I supported last month: If the window above doesn’t work then have a look here instead.