That’s All from the Book (and some nice pictures)

Over the last five months I’ve been slowly releasing a series of short extracts from my book as blog posts on this site. It was partly to help promote the book and partly because I know that not everyone will buy a copy so I wanted to share some of the more useful sections.

Anyway, I hope it hasn’t been too boring for those of you who have bought my book or prefer the other types of article that I write. They’re all done now save for five miniature versions of chapters from the book (e.g. ‘How to Cross a Desert’) and it will be back to business as usual.

And, since you’ve come all of this way just to hear me say that, here are a couple of nice pictures compliments of my mate Dave who came to Russia with me in 2009 and brought a big camera… 


One response to “That’s All from the Book (and some nice pictures)”

  1. Great photos – reminds me of small towns in northern Mongolia!

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