Category: Living Adventurously
Three world-beating cyclists
Having worked for a couple of years in the Royal Geographical Society, steeped as it is with the rich heritage of great British exploration and frequented still by the modern world’s most exciting expeditioners; and spending so much of time reading and writing about adventurous people and their achievements, it’s easy to become blase about…
Do it for yourself (but not on your own) – Guest Blog: Julie Abrams-Humphries
There is nothing I enjoy more than “ordinary people” do extraordinary things and thus you can imagine my joy when I came across She Who Dares. They’re a group of women of all ages and abilities who meet up midweek and do cool, adventurous stuff. I contacted Julie, their Chair, and she kindly wrote this…
Cyclists Wanted
I have three rather exciting opportunities to share with you today. If I were able to go myself then you could bet your bottom dollar that these adverts would not have seen the light of day at The Next Challenge but, sadly, this time they are not for me. How about you? 100-Man Peloton –…
Catch the Worm – Everyday Adventure #5
It has been too long since I last challenged you to an Everyday Adventure. I hope you have been squeezing the juice out of life these past months but I fear you may have let it slip you by. What have the last few weeks held for you? If the answer is some permutation of…
Nice to be nice
You’ll see on the right hand sidebar of my website, there are two lists of Popular Posts. They’re calculated based on a couple of measures such as the amount of people that read them and the number of comments that are made on them. I like having them there as I think it helps draw…
How Eddie Izzard changed the nation
Eddie Izzard did a run for Sport Relief last year. If you’ve not heard of Eddie, he is probably best known as a stand-up comedian and not at all for his sporting prowess. If you didn’t hear about his run, then you should Google it. He ran 43 marathons in 51 days. He did not…
Have you got some photos for my blog?
At the top of each and every post on this website is a photograph. The vast majority of them come from my back catalogue of holiday snaps (for most of the remainder, I’ll thank Dave Tett). I enjoy taking pictures but I’ve no great skill at it and I’m still using a simple digital camera…
Rats and Ants – The Quarter Master, Jan-Mar 2010
At the end of each quarter, I list some favourite articles as selected by the web master (that’s me). They may not be “the best” or the most popular but they’re ones that I particularly like for one reason or another. See what you think… A Thousand Tiny Ants The Dishwasher Dash (and 9 other…
Memory, Mind Games and Machinery – Six of the best April/May 2010
Here are some blog entries from other people’s websites that I have enjoyed or got something from over the last two months and think that you might too. Have a look and cast your votes. Last month’s winner was Seth Godin’s Fear of Philanthropy (Avert your eyes). Voting is instant, anonymous and only takes a…
No time to turn at Beauty’s glance
What is this life if, full of care,We have no time to stand and stare. No time to stand beneath the boughsAnd stare as long as sheep or cows. No time to see, when woods we pass,Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass. No time to see, in broad daylight,Streams full of stars, like skies…
Commonwealth Cycling Project
Sean Newall is preparing for his first of four grand expeditions which will take him through all 72 Commonwealth countries. Expedition number one will see him cycling 20,000 miles around the world from Glasgow. And what makes this different from the many other people cycling around the world, you say? Well, Sean is hoping for…
Swimming: The Next Step in Adventure – Guest Blog: Dan Martin
I met Dan Martin in the Lake District last month where I commandeered a motorboat and shipped kit to an island that he swam to and where we cooked up a feast on an open fire and camped out like a real old-fashioned adventure. OK, that’s not strictly true. I think the first time we…