Category: Living Adventurously
Así Es La Vida (Part One) – Guest Blog: Andy Ruck
My friend Andy Ruck has just had his first book – Así Es La Vida – published and has very kindly offered me an extract for this website. To set the tone, I could tell you that Andy has spent the last six years in Scotland with brief and not-so-brief forays into the Alps, Norway, Spain,…
Camp in Your Living Room – Everyday Adventure #2
Did you ever build a fort in your living room and sleep in it when you were a kid? Camp in your back garden and get scared by the sound of the local cat outside / noise of the wind / shadow of your dad coming out to check on you? How about a sleepover…
Axes, traffic and lycra – The Quarter Master (Dec 09)
At the end of each quarter, I list some favourite articles as selected by the web master (that’s me). If you vote for the ones you like then it’ll help me improve content for the future. I’ll post the results at the start of the next quarter although you can view them at any time.…
How was your lunch break?
The end of 2010’s first month is almost upon us and it is time to reflect… on your lunch breaks. At the start of the month I set you the challenge of breaking free from your workplace and making the most of your lunch hour. On Monday we’ll have a new Everyday Adventure idea but…
How to become an Eco Ironman – Six of the Best, December 09
Here are some blog entries from other peoples’ websites that I have enjoyed or got something from over the last month and think that you might too. Have a look and vote for the ones you like: (If you’re viewing this through Facebook or an RSS Reader, you might not be able to see the…
Feeding the Rat
Wan-der-lust (noun): a strong, innate desire to rove or travel about. This is a term familiar to most people, both as a definition and as a feeling. But it doesn’t cut it for me. I think there’s a better one. Wanderlust is primarily about “the travel bug” but the magnetic force that acts on me…
Say ‘No!’ to negativity – #4 Whistle yourself happy
The perfect excuse to bring my favourite TV show onto the pages of this blog. Don’t be a grumpy old man. Don’t fight it. Whistle yourself happy.
Lunchtime Jailbreak – Everyday Adventure #1
If work is a prison then let the lunch hour be your escape. Like your job, hate your job, love it or just tolerate it, that one hour slot at lunch is your chance to break free. Your mission this month, should you choose to accept it, is to capitalise on your lunchbreak, escape your…
How To Have An Adventure Every Day – Guest Blog: Laura Tomlinson
This is the original introduction to the 2010 Everyday Adventures campaign. [divide] How to Have an Adventure Every Day By Laura Tomlinson* What defines an adventure? Is it swimming an ocean, walking across a continent, cycling through inhospitable mountain passes? Or can it be at the mundane level of the everyday? After several adventurous years, I…
Your New Year’s Resolution (courtesy of The Next Challenge)
9am January 1st 2010 and I am giving you your New Year’s Resolution: Have. An. Adventure. Each month of 2010, these pages will bring you a new idea for an Everyday Adventure. You won’t have to climb a mountain or even break a sweat (unless you want to). There will be no need to take…
Life in the fast lane – Guest Blog: Alastair Humphreys
It gives me great pleasure to introduce today a guest blog from someone who, although he may not be aware, has been pivotal to me in many ways: Alastair Humphreys. I read Al’s blog all the time but I’ve also read his books and know that he has a wonderfully creative way with words. So,…