Category: Living Adventurously
Don’t judge a book by its (back) cover
I like surprises. I like not knowing what’s going to happen next, when the film’s going to end or how someone’s going to react. There are times when you need to know these answers – your a politician preparing a statement or a researcher conducting an experiment – and there are times when they’re going…
Say ‘No!’ to negativity – #3 Weird is wonderful
My friend mentioned recently that her colleagues were “nauseated” by the fact that she came into work in a good mood, raving about the joys of life. Now, as amusing as that may be, I think it’s a particularly British trait to be suspicious of the happy, as if it’s somehow weird. But weird is…
Bicycle Karma
Priory Lane is a perfectly straight stretch of concrete connecting Upper Richmond Road with Richmond Park. To one side of the road, mounted on the pavement, runs a two-way bicycle lane. Turning left into Priory Lane from Richmond Road, if you want to get onto the bike path, you have to cut across both lanes…
How to camp anywhere and not get busted – Six of the Best, November 2009
Here are some blog entries from other peoples’ websites that I have enjoyed in the last month and think that you might too: How to camp anywhere and not get busted – Ride Earth Get rid of 10 things – Alastair Humphreys Apparent risk and actual risk – Seth Godin How to Hold Your Breath…
Consider this your excuse
It would be fair to say that I like doing things that other people often consider weird. Taking cold showers, swimming outdoors and dragging tyres spring to mind, as do most of the things on this page. I PULLED TYRES to train for a planned North Pole trip. It’s the standard training method for that…
Omelettes, the struggle and life – The Quarter Master, September 2009
At the end of each quarter, I will be listing some of the favourite articles as selected by the web master (that’s me). The astute reader will notice that the title says September despite the fact that we’re well into November. That’s because I only just thought of the idea. It also means it’s a…
Next Challenge News (October 2009)
Here’s October’s newsletter. A bit late? True. But you if you want to guarantee they arrive on time, just sign up! Can’t see the flashy reader above? Try here instead.
Guest Blog: Expedition Clayoquot – Forest Free-Running
The Clayoquot team from UCL have recently returned from Vancouver Island and, by the sounds of things, a few close encounters with its flora and fauna. Here’s another entry they’ve kindly written for me: Since our first blog from the civilization of Nainaimo, we set off across the island along the treacherous ‘Highway 4’ –…
Jump in – GASP! – Jump out (Tweet of the Week, November 2009)
Here are some of my favourite Tweets from the last month (yeah, yeah – I know it says ‘Tweet of the Week‘ but it just sounds better)… – Testing Twitter from our satphone. Hello!? – @KCAE (Kaspersky Commonwealth Antarctic Expedition) Steak tonight…been a while! Shame it doesn’t need skinning and gutting first… – @manupatree (Nick…
New Links, New Friends
The list of links at the bottom right of my website has been slowly growing over the past few months as I’ve met more interesting and like-minded people. I thought I’d take this opportunity to introduce some of them to you more formally: – Escape the City – This new site is fast becoming…
In defence of celebrity expeditions
My friend recently asked me if I aspired to be like Ben Fogle and I laughed. I thought he was joking. You see, to me, despite knowing next to nothing about him, Ben Fogle represents a group of “TV first, expedition second” adventurers. They may make entertaining television shows but they are not “the real…