After 4 weeks in the mountains of the Loppa Peninsula I am now in the saddle of my trusty bike, known variously as “The Beast of Burden”, “The Machine” or simply “Bob”. You can read more here and see live updates in the window below.
Updates from the saddle
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Bob and I are headed south from the top of Norway. I hadn’t planned to actually cycle all the way back to London but as we all know, no plan survives first contact with the enemy. Now, rather than having three weeks in which to cycle as far as Oslo (~1000 miles), I have a similar period of time to get down through Denmark and on a ferry back to England.
I have planned nothing. I haven’t worked out the best route to follow or any route at all for that matter. I haven’t even got any maps yet and I leave in less than 48 hours. I don’t know how far it is and thus how achievable it is in my time frame. I don’t what the roads in Norway will be like or even if I’ll stay in Norway (Sweden’s right in the firing line).
But that’s why it’s called an adventure.
What I do have is a solid bike, a decent tent (thanks Nance!), a stove that burns the same petrol you put in your car and the knowledge that you can legally camp anywhere you like in Norway and Sweden, as long as you’re 150 metres from a building.
I am following in the deep tyre tracks of this man but it is a first for me. Let’s see how it goes…
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