My Next Book Will Be Published On…

Cambodian cafe stop while cycling around the world

Starting in the summer of 2013, Laura and I spent 16 months cycling around the world.

We travelled 13,000 miles through 27 countries and 4 continents, met dozens of fascinating characters and saw all manner of things. It felt like we had enough experiences in that year and a half to fill a life time.

Some of those stories we were able to share at the time on this blog. But many more never made it online. Instead, they went into our diaries.

Every night, after we had pitched our tent and eaten our dinner, we would climb into our sleeping bags and write down everything that had happened that day.

We have been back for three years now. Twice as long as we were away. For much of that time, I have been turning those diaries into a book.

It is a big task, especially when working full time. The bulk of it has been written. The word count is somewhere around 80,000 at last check. However, there is still some way to go in editing and improving it. Sometimes it feels as though it will never end. But it must and it will.

That is why I am writing this blog post, to publicly commit myself to a deadline: the book will be on sale at the 2018 Cycle Touring Festival, on the 4th May 2018. Please hold me to that.

If you want to stay abreast of the book’s progress and publication, add your address to my mailing list:


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In the meantime, you can read more about our trip here and browse my other books here.


One response to “My Next Book Will Be Published On…”

  1. […] I will also be launching my next book at the festival: With The Sun On Our Right. It’s the account of mine and Laura’s 16-month around-the-world bike […]

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